© Державна наукова установа “Інститут інформації, безпеки і права Національної академії правових наук України”, 2021
Ми будемо Вам вдячні, якщо при використанні матеріалів сайту Ви зробите посилання на сайт ДНУ ІІБП НАПрН України.
УДК 340:007
Рафал Канія (Rafał Kania),
Ph. D., декан факультету адміністрації,
Коледж університету імені Павла Влодковіца, Плоцк, Польща
The term ‘cybernetics’ has a long tradition in Poland. The first one who used this term in 1843 in a sense of governing human collectives was Bronisław Trentowski [1, p. 9-10]. However, the cybernetics as a science had not started to develop until the mid 20th century. The book Cybernetics or control and communication in the animal and the machin [2] written by Norbert Weiner, considered the author of modern cybernetics, was published in Polish translation in the early 1960 [3]. Cybernetics (Greek: kybernetikos – the art of steering, the art of governing) as a science studying the processes of steering systems focused on the processes of communication and information [4 – 6] using for that purpose its own conceptual apparatus. The basic ones include such notions as: open and closed systems, steering, steered and control systems, homeostasis, steering, system environment, regulation and feedback [7, 8, 9]. From 1950s to 1980s the science was developing dynamically in Poland. It is proved by a long list of publications whose authors searched for the use of cybernetics to improve the steering of technical, electronic, bionic, linguistic, military, medical, economic, social and psychological systems...
© Державна наукова установа “Інститут інформації, безпеки і права Національної академії правових наук України”, 2021
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